Workshops/ Trainings/ Seminars/ Technical Festival Organized
Smart Grid Cyber Security Training, 5th Aug. 2016, University of the West Indies (in association with Tonex Inc. Texas, USA, and IEEE T&T).
Workshop on “Modeling Renewable Energy Sources”, The University of the West Indies, October 29th 2015 (in association with Comsol Inc., USA).
Workshop on “Mini Projects for Deployment of Smart Grid Technology”, 2ndApril 2015, The University of the West Indies (in association with the Ministry of Education, BG T&T and IEEE T&T).
Public Forum on “Development of Trinidad & Tobago’s Smart Grid”, 6th November, 2014, The University of the West Indies (in association with the NIHERST and IEEE T&T).
Comsol Electrochemistry Workshop, 15th May 2014, Dept. of Physics, The University of the West Indies (in association with Comsol Inc., USA).
Workshop on Introduction to Comsol Multiphysics and Subsurface Flow, 20th April 2012, Dept. of Physics, The University of the West Indies (in association with Comsol Inc., USA).
Workshop on Electronics for CAPE Teachers, May 18 - June 2, 2010, Dept. of Physics, University of the West Indies (In association with the Ministry of Education, Trinidad & Tobago).
Workshop on Electronics for CAPE Teachers, 2-23 April, 2009, Dept. of Physics, The University of the West Indies (In association with the Ministry of Education, Trinidad & Tobago).
Faculty Development Program, 9th June to 31st July 2008, Amritsar College of Eng. & Technology, Amritsar, India.
Workshop on Embedded Systems, 23rd April 2008, Amritsar College of Eng. & Technology, Amritsar, India (in association with RAD Innovations, Mohali, India).
PRAYAS-2008 (A National Level Technical Festival), 28th March 2008, Amritsar College of Eng. & Technology, Amritsar, India (in association with Indian Society for Technical Education, ISTE).
Workshop on Patent Awareness, 6th Feb. 2008, Amritsar College of Eng. &Technology, Amritsar, India (in association with Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India).
PRAYAS-2007 (A National Level Technical Festival), 30th March 2007, Amritsar College of Eng. & Technology, Amritsar, India (in association with by ISTE).
Workshop on ASIC Design and CAD tools for VLSI, February 8-9, 2007, Amritsar College of Eng. & Technology, Amritsar, India (in association with Cadence Design Systems (I) Pvt. Ltd, India).
Seminar on Indian Contribution to Sciences, 2nd April 2006, DAV College, Amritsar, India.
PRAYAS-2006 (A National Level Technical Festival), 10th March 2006, Amritsar College of Eng. & Technology, Amritsar, India (in association with by ISTE).
Member of Editorial Board, IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication & Systems 2014, Ferozepur, India.
Served as Proctor for British Institute of Homeopathy, NJ, USA (2013 - 2014).
Guest Lectures
"Design, Optimization and Modelling of Microbial Fuel Cell," Facutly Devleopment Program on "Recent Developemnts in Physical Sciences" at DAV College, Amritsar, India (17th July 2021)
“How to Grab the Global Opportunity,” Amritsar College of Engineering & Technology, India (8th June 2008).
“Ancient Indian contributions towards Electrical and Electronics Engineering,” DAV College, Amritsar, India (2nd April 2006).
“Fundamentals of Electronics” Madhav Vidya Niketan High School, Amritsar, India (2005).